Meet Leigh, Our Landscape Maintenance Master

“I wanted to do something that was fulfilling, and that perhaps could change the world for the better. ”

“I wanted to do something that was fulfilling, and that perhaps could change the world for the better. ”

Leigh Labaire is Director of Landscape Maintenance at Site Structures. She meets clients for estimates and property evaluations for garden maintenance, then sends our crews over to get the jobs done in a timely fashion.

Hello, folks! My name is Leigh Labaire and I LOVE plants for so many reasons. My passion for plants led me to become Director of Landscape Maintenance here at Site Structures Landscape, where I get to spend every day helping clients beautify their properties in Seacoast New Hampshire and southern Maine. I hope our new monthly blog inspires you to feel the same love and appreciation for our natural world.

As for me? Well, there are so many reasons I love plants. They provide us shelter, fiber for clothing, food, and fuel for heat and machinery. They provide us clean air, support ecosystems, and give us a sense of calmness and inner peace. 

Those are just some of the reasons why I became a horticulturist. 

One day I was working in a factory in my early 20s, watching bottles roll by on a conveyor belt, and I knew my brain was beginning to atrophy. I decided to return to UNH and finish a bachelor's degree in environmental horticulture. I had always considered myself a naturalist and had even owned my own little landscape company when I was younger. I wanted to do something that was fulfilling, and that perhaps could change the world for the better.

At Site Structures, my hope is to inspire people to go outside and be part of the natural world. In this blog, I plan to offer seasonal tips each month and explain why certain cultural landscape practices are important. I'll occasionally be joined by my fellow plant experts here at Site, and we'll explore some of the hot topics in the green industry -- like what it really means to landscape sustainably, and how to achieve successful landscapes while handling climate change. (Droughts, anyone?).

More than anything, I want to encourage you to see the wonders of nature and be curious about how it all works together to create a beautiful playground that we get to enjoy. I get excited to see the first leaves unfurl in spring, to witness the first hummingbirds of the year, to find cocoons on my milkweed, and smell the azaleas around my back deck. I can’t wait for spring and to smell the first aromas of April. Hopefully, I will see you out there!

I also hope to answer any questions you have about landscaping and horticulture, so don't be shy about reaching out!

Contact Leigh at Head back to on March 1st to meet Daisy Chinburg, Site’s landscape designer, who explains the process behind designing beautiful landscapes for our clients.